Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ten Tips To Keep Your Computer Running Smoothly

Ten Tips To Keep Your Computer Running Smoothly

1. Never, never, turn your computer off with the power switch until Windows has shut down.

The one exception to this rule is when your computer locks up and your hard drive is not running (hard drive light is not blinking). In this situation, you can turn the power off without harmful effects to the hard drive. As cutting the power can also result in lost data or Windows files, you should only do this when you have to.

Following this rule will prevent permanent hard drive defects caused by the hard drive heads contacting the surface of the drive disc, and it will prevent a host of Windows problems.
Whenever possible, recover from crashes by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time. Press them again to reboot your computer.

2. I highly recommend that you purchase an UPS

I highly recommend that you purchase an UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for your computer. This will keep your computer from crashing during power outages, and will protect your computer from low and high voltage occurrences.

An UPS is far superior to a surge protector and will save your computer from almost any power type of disaster.

(See #1 above for what happens when your computer crashes.)

3. Backup, backup, backup

Backup any data you cannot afford to lose to at least two separate physical drives. So backup data to floppies, Zip disks, CD-RWs etc.

The time to backup is when you create something you can't afford to lose. Don't wait until tomorrow.

4. Run Scandisk and Defragment at least once a month.

This will keep your hard drive healthy and prevent crashes. Alternatively, purchase Norton Utilities and use it to keep your hard drive healthy.

5. Never unplug peripherals from the computer when it is powered up.

Unplugging with the power on can short out the connector socket or the motherboard.

The only exception to this rule is if you know a peripheral is "hot pluggable". If you do not know what "hot pluggable" means then ignore this exception.

6. Do keep at least 100 MBs of your primary drive free.

Do keep at least 100 MBs of your C: drive free for Windows to use. If you use Windows Me or Windows XP then you should have 200 MBs of free space on your C: drive.

If you do not have enough free space you will choke Windows and it will start dumping data to your hard drive, or it will just get really, really, slow.

Use the ADD/Delete tool in the Windows Control Panel to delete unneeded programs from your drive.

You can also use Cleansweep included in Norton Utilities to clean up your drive. If you do use Cleansweep or another hard drive cleaner, do not delete shared files unless you back them up. The cleaners do a rotten job of knowing if another program uses shared files.

7. Do not let a lot of programs load up when you start your computer.

They use valuable memory and Windows Resources (Windows internal workspace).

All programs in your Windows System Tray (in the lower left of your screen) are running on your computer. Close them if you don't need them or run them and configure them not to load when you boot up.

Other programs running in the background can be found by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time.

8. Do use a virus checker regularly.

Everyone should use a virus checker. The best type of protection is continuous monitoring from a dedicated anti-virus program.

9. If you have a high speed Internet connection you need a firewall program.

A firewall program keeps those who want to hijack your computer from gaining access to your system. You really do not want someone else running your computer.

I suggest you purchase and run Sygate Personal Firewall program(It's free can be downloaded from downloads.com). Your firewall should boot up with your computer to protect it from invasion.

10. Keep track of the software disks you receive

Keep track of the software disks you receive with your computer and new peripherals. These disks contain valuable software drivers and programs for Windows and are needed when Windows must be reloaded. Keep these disks and your Windows software disks in a safe, dry, place -- you never know when you will need them.

Hopefully these Computer Maintenance Tips will keep you out of Trouble.



If you are ever facing a problem there are 3 important things to remember

. Remember that things could always be worse. Somewhere in theworld there is someone facing a much bigger problem than you are.

. Remember the good things in life. Remember the innocence of youth, the beauty of nature, and the warmth of love.

. Remember that I will always be your friend.No matter what happens I will always be there for you.

Easy Ways To Make Your Computer Easier On Your Eyes

Easy Ways To Make Your Computer Easier On Your Eyes

If you spend your day and maybe part of the night peering into a computer, you may have wondered if this work is really good for your eyes. Maybe your eyes burn and look red. Maybe you end the day with a headache. Maybe, in fact, you have "computer vision syndrome" (CVS). Here are some of the symptoms of CVS you should be aware of:

. Eye strain

· Headache

· Blurry near vision

· Slowness in changing focus

· Light sensitivity

· Eye irritation, trouble with contact lenses, after-images

· Neck, shoulder, and back pain

Of course, some of these symptoms may have other causes, and any demanding visual work can produce eye symptoms--it doesn't have to be computer work. But the visual demands of long hours at a computer are probably more intense than other kinds of close work, and thus are more likely to result in symptoms.

How to prevent or correct problems

Symptoms of CVS may be more common and more severe among people who work all day at a computer, but they can happen to anybody who uses one. Here are some simple ways to correct the problem:

Position your screen 4 to 9 inches below eye level.

This will ensure that you gaze down at the center of the screen at a 10° to 20° angle. It also prevents neck strain. You may also need to adjust your chair height. Check your general comfort level.
Are your feet flat on the floor? Can you easily maintain good posture? Do you need to make awkward eye or body movements to use the keyboard or refer to printed material? Locate your monitor squarely in front of you. Most jobs are best done if the screen is 20 to 28 inches from the eyes. Make sure your work area suits you. If you're consulting a document, position it at the same distance as the screen

Limit glare.

Bright lights in your peripheral vision can create "glare discomfort." Position your lamp so it does not reflect in the screen, and so that the bright light is not in your peripheral vision. If you're working near a window, correct the light with a window blind. Wear a visor, if that helps.

Limit reflections.

A computer screen is glass and thus very reflective. Try shading the screen with a file folder to discover where the reflection is coming from. You may temporarily solve the problem by taping a file folder or piece of cardboard to the top or side of the monitor. An anti-reflection screen may help, too. When shopping for one, look for the seal of the American Optometric Association.

Clean the screen often.

Use a soft cloth and plain water to do this.

The content will be much easier to read.

Work in large, legible type if you're writing.

You can reduce the type size later, if necessary.

Don't work in a breeze or in front of a fan.

A dry environment can be irritating to the eyes.

Try to blink regularly.

Use artificial teardrops (not decongestant drops), if needed.

Have your eyeglass prescription checked regularly.

Tell your eye doctor how much time you spend in front of a monitor, and bring measurements of the distance of the screen from your eye and the angle at which you view it.

You may need a special pair of glasses for computer work.

Take brief breaks.

Try to do this every 45 minutes when working at a monitor.

Do remember, too, that if you spend the workday in front of a monitor, it's helpful to give your eyes a rest at night. Read a book, take a walk, chat on the phone, have some dinner. Allow yourself an hour or two before you go on line to read your e-mail or surf the web

Indian Home Remedies

Indian Home Remedies

At the first sign of cold, cough or sore throat the following concoction never fails to work. Boil some tulsi (basil) leaves, a few black pepper corns and cloves (crushed) a little ginger (also crushed) in some water till the mixture becomes dark brown. Add a little honey and sip it piping hot. For only colds, juice of half a lemon added to this gives quick relief. A few tulsi leaves boiled in water for the first cup of tea in the morning, taken regularly is good for the heart and prevents frequent colds.

Isabgol (flea seed husk) taken with some hot liquid like tea or even water before going to bed is quite helpful. Haldi (turmeric) boiled in milk along with figs also helps in relieving constipation.

If there is discomfort in the stomach the immediate remedy is to quickly boil some a/wain (organo), zeera (cumin) in water, acid a little kala narnak (rock salt) and a few drops of lemon.Isabgol taken with yoghurt is good for loose motions. A banana. (not very ripe) also helps.

To keep bowel movement smooth and to avoid a constipated stomach eat plenty of fibre found in green leafy vegetables, popcorn, porndge etc.

There are some food items which are worth more than their weight in gold. For instance garlic - very useful for lowering high blood pressure, cholesterol, acidity; also acts as a blood purifier. Amla (Indian gooseberry) contains the highest amount of Vitamin C and can be taken raw or in juice form or made into chutney during season or as a morraba (sweet pickle) out of season. Karela (bitter gourd) also contributes in keeping a check on blood sugar. Papita (papaya) is yet another fruit with sterling qualities; it helps to reduce cholesterol level and if taken daily keeps the stomach in top working condition. For lowering blood sugar nothing to beat jamun (Indian blackberry). The fruit may be eaten during season and the seeds can be dried and powdered together with Methi (Fenugreek) seeds and a tea-spoon of the mixture should be taken with water before going to bed.

As for beauty aids, you can make a moisturizer at home by mixing equal volumes of glycerine, rose water and lemon juice. Keep in a bottle and apply on face, arms and legs to keep the skin soft and smooth.

For an effective face pack, mix sandalwood paste with a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply on face for 15- 20 minutes and wash with water. Please note that sandal paste should be freshly made at home.

For rejuvenating dry skin use gram flour mixed with fresh cream, a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice. For oily skin use milk instead of cream.

Tomato juice, cucumber juice, orange peels can also be used for acquiring a healthy glowing skin.

To bring sparkle to your eyes add a few drops of lemon in a glass of water and splash your eyes with it. It might smart a little but see the result.

For strengthening the hair roots and getting rid of dandruff rub lemon juice into the scalp after oiling the hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes or SO and then wash as usual.

Amlas (Indian gooseberry) are also very good for the hair. So if you have thin or falling hair, eat a few amlas every day and also apply them to the hair roots. Boil six amlas in a cup of milk till soft. Remove the seeds and mash into pulp. Apply into the hair roots and leave for 20 minutes and then wash.

These are some of the tips in the khazana. If followed correctly, these will definitely make a difference to your health and beauty.

Sore throat?

Drinking a glass of milk in which 1 tsp. "haldi" has been added and boiled will relieve and cure a sore throat.

For painful body joints or muscles.

Use frozen peas in polythene bags as they act like small iceballs and help in giving a good massage.

To remove stains from teeth.

Add a drop of clove oil to the toothpaste before brushing your teeth.

For clearing sinuses and blocked nasal passages.

Boil Eucalyptus leaves and steam with the same water. Alternately, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and steam.

Suffering from acidity?

Chewing on a few tulsi leaves will relieve burning, nausea and gas. For those with a sensitive stomach - add tulsi in any recipe using tomatoes.


Have an apple to cure constipation.

Have honey for an itchy throat?

Having honey will relieve the itchiness as it moisturizes the throat passage and has curative properties.

To make the taste of medicine palatable for children.

Make them suck an ice cube before taking the medicine as the cold chills the taste buds and the child will take the medicine without any difficulty.

Bite a clove to ease a toothache.

Biting on a clove or rubbing clove oil on the tooth cavity itself will relieve the pain.

Slim fast

By eating a tomato everyday before your breakfast for two months and it will help you slim down.

Painful gums and bleeding teeth?

Apply a powdered mixture of 500g. of green guava peel with 10g. each of phitkari (alum), kali mirch (black salt) and sendha namak (black salt) on your teeth twice a day and this will provide relief in less than a week.

Cure for constipation in babies.

Give them ½ tsp. to one teaspoon of homemade ghee with a few granules of sugar and juice of black currents(draksh) soaked overnight in water can be given to the baby in the morning. Both, the ghee-sugar mixture and currant juice, can be given once a day.

Stomachache due to dehydration ?

Chew betel leaves with a few rock salt crystals. It gives immediate relief.


1 tsp. of mint juice mixed with an equal amount of honey and lemon juice is a good cure for indigestion.

Suffering from bad breath?

Chewing on "saunf" makes your breath fresh and removes strong odours.

Suicide: The Facts

Suicide: Some Facts

Suicide: Get the Facts

Most of us are uncomfortable speaking about suicide, but it's a topic that we need to deal with openly and honestly.

People who are thinking about taking their lives believe that suicide is the only way to escape the inner pain they are going through. They may be overwhelmed with lonleliness, helplessness, and depression, or they may be experiencing a major loss, such as the death of a loved one, losing a job, or the break up of an important relationship.

Suicide is a particular risk for people with schizophrenia. In fact, it is the main cause of death for people with this illness. THe sulicide rate among people with schiqophrenia is ten times higher than among the general population. Forty percent of people who have schizophrenia attempt suicide , and ten percent complete the act.

Suicide sometimes happen during a psychotic episode, but people with schizophrenia are more likely to commit suicide for the same reasons as anyone else- unemployment, homelessness, and depression- all factors that are created by having a mental illlness.

Who is most at risk of suicide?

People who are depressed or who have strong feelings of hopelessness.

People who have tried to commit suicide before.

People who have thoughts of suicide or who are preoccupied with death.

People with schizophrenia or another serious mental illness who are aware of how their illness limits them.

Young men who have frequent relapses of their illness.

People with a history of substance abuse.

What are the warning signs of suicide?

Talking or writing about suicide.

Depression or sudden calmness.

Getting one's affairs in order, or giving away prized possesions.

Hearing voices that talk about doing something dangerous.

A previous suicide attempt.

What can families and friends do?

Be alert to the warning signs of suicide.

Take any talk of suicide seriously.

If you think someone is having thoughts of suicide don't be afraid to talk about it. Bringing up the subject will not cause the person to act upon it.

Dont keep weapon's or large quantities of drugs in your house.

Contact a doctor or other health care professional immediately if someone you know is talking about suicide.

You can also call your local distress line or crisis centre.